Monday, July 15, 2019

Flexibility is Key to Your Job Search

At Vested, we not only provide employment search services for our clients, but we also provide career advice for job seekers.

In a recent blog article, we discussed the power of flexibility when seeking a new job. Here is why flexibility is key to job search:

Your Ideal Position May Not Exist

For many people, their ideal position does not exist among the jobs postings that they’re looking through. This could be because of the educational limits of the job seeker, but it can also be because employers haven’t caught up with certain skill sets, technologies, and benefits that the employment seeker has now.

How People Work Has Changed

If you’re focused on sitting at a desk for eight to 10 hours a day, then you’ll need to be flexible with options regarding how you work and where you work from. Many employers prefer a partial telecommuting designation for positions, especially for their higher-level roles, instead of having workers spend 100% of their time in the office.

Your Interests Can Change

Ask yourself this: Have my interests or desires and what I want in a job changed? If the answer is maybe or yes, then consider the possibility of switching industries. You may find that your ideal job is out there, but it’s in a different industry than the ones you were considering before.

To get more advice on your job search, check out our career resources on our website.

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